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Get in touch

Feel free to email our customer support at

Alternatively, you can email Kagi CEO, Vladimir Prelovac, at

Kagi Community

We have a Kagi Community Discord server where you can join our community for real-time discussion about the product and chat with other Kagi users.

Please use the #introduce-yourself channel to say hello and let everyone know a bit about yourself. You can also share your initial thoughts on Kagi search in this channel or create a more detailed post in the #kagi-chat channel.

We are always eager to hear what new users think of Kagi.

To make specific feature requests or bug reports, please use our Kagi Search feedback forum rather than Discord.

Social Media

Feedback Forum

You can join to see the bug reports and feature requests we are discussing, reviewing, and planning to address and to the discussion.

  • Please see our Bug Reporting Guide for instructions on reporting issues.
  • All bugs and feature requests are encouraged to be posted on the forum.


We blog at about company updates product features and other important news. You can subscribe to our blog's RSS feed.


Our community drives the future product direction of Kagi Search, and we hope you will become a part of it. Check out our roadmap.

Release Notes

Release notes are published at:

RSS feed for release notes is available at: