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Programmable Buttons

Orion allows you to extend its functionality by using Programmable Buttons. To add a Programmable Button, right-click anywhere on the Toolbar and select Customize Toolbar.

Programmable Button - Customize Toolbar

A modal will appear with all available buttons. Drag the Programmable Button to the desired location in the toolbar and click Done.

Programmable Button - Drag to Toolbar

Now click on the Programmable Button in the toolbar.

Programmable Button - Click Button

Next, customize the Programmable Button:

  1. Give it a name
  2. Select an icon
  3. Choose the action type:
    1. Menu Action. Map the button to a menu item.
    2. Open URL. The button will open the desired URL (use %u and %t to replace the current page URL or title).
    3. Run Code. Execute custom JavaScript or AppleScript code. You can show the code's output in the sidebar.
  4. Assign a keyboard shortcut

Programmable Button - Customize Button

Open-Source Programmable Buttons

The Orion community has created several open-source Programmable Buttons that you can import to Orion easily. To import a Programmable Button, right-click and copy the link to the button. Then, right-click on an empty section of the Orion toolbar and select Import Button from URL.

Programmable Button - Import Button Menu

Finally, paste the URL in the text field and click Import.

Programmable Button - Import Button Modal