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Customizing Kagi CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used to stylize HTML elements in web pages. Using CSS, you can fully customize Kagi's search and landing pages from your Appearance settings.

Custom CSS does not apply to Settings pages, and is limited to 10,000 characters.

Use the no_css query parameter (for example, to disable your custom CSS if something horribly breaks!

Here's a proofread and improved version of the support page:

User Themes

Themes allow you to customize the look and feel of Kagi, enhancing your search experience with personalized colors, layouts, and styles. Our community has created and shared numerous themes, which you can explore on awesome-kagi-css or browse the selection below.

To apply a theme:

  1. Choose a theme and click Get It.
  2. Copy the CSS code.
  3. Go to the Custom CSS page.
  4. Ensure the Enable Custom CSS toggle is turned on.
  5. Paste the copied code into the text area.
  6. Click Apply Custom CSS.

Once applied, the theme will instantly update Kagi's appearance. You can switch themes at any time to find your perfect search interface.

Note: Some themes might work better with a certain Dark Mode or Light Mode default theme selected in the Appearance Settings page.

Dark Mustard

by Josh Ellington

Get it

Dark Mustard ThemeDark Mustard Theme
Dark Mustard ThemeDark Mustard Theme

Kagi Oranginum

by sefidel

Get it

Kagi Oranginum ThemeKagi Oranginum Theme
Kagi Oranginum ThemeKagi Oranginum Theme

Monokai Hack

by maxpl01t

Get it

Monokai Hack ThemeMonokai Hack Theme
Monokai Hack ThemeMonokai Hack Theme


by Kel

Get it

Nocturnal ThemeNocturnal Theme
Nocturnal ThemeNocturnal Theme

Minimal Fav Color

by Matt Rangel

Get it

Minimal Fav Color ThemeMinimal Fav Color Theme
Minimal Fav Color ThemeMinimal Fav Color Theme

Kagi Mathiazom

by mathiazom

Get it

Kagi Mathiazom ThemeKagi Mathiazom Theme
Kagi Mathiazom ThemeKagi Mathiazom Theme

Kagi Google-Style

by neilio

Get it

Kagi Google-Style ThemeKagi Google-Style Theme
Kagi Google-Style ThemeKagi Google-Style Theme

Kagi Gruvbox Dark Theme

by auphone

Get it

Kagi Gruvbox Dark ThemeKagi Gruvbox Dark Theme
Kagi Gruvbox Dark ThemeKagi Gruvbox Dark Theme

Slimmed Down Theme

by rasti

Get it
._0_lenses .k_ui_dropdown {
      display: none;
    ._0_lenses {
      display: none;
    .serp_nav_end .k_ui_dropdown, .serp_nav_end .k_ui_dropdown_data_list {
      display: none;
    .sri_more_menu_box .sri_more_menu {
      display: none;
    .sidebar-filter-nav-form .sidebar-filter-nav {
      display: none;
    ._0_queryInfo {
      display: none;
    .top-panel {
    display: none;
    display: none;
    margin-left: 4px;
    .search-result, .sri-group {
        margin-left: -17px;
        margin-right: -17px;
        padding: 15px;
        margin-bottom: 0px;
    border-bottom: 0px;
    ._0_item.n_ne {
    display: none;
    .m-h {
        padding: 0 10px;
        border-bottom: 0px solid var(--color-primary-dim_2);

    .m-h .search-form-icons {
        display: none;
    .theme_moon_dark {
    --search-result-title: #a0c5ff;
    --result-item-title-border: #141414;
    --background-color: #141414;
    --site_info_bottom_bg: #141414;
    .theme_dark {
    --search-result-title: #a0c5ff;
    --result-item-title-border: #141414;
    --background-color: #141414;
    --site_info_bottom_bg: #141414;
    .theme_calm_blue {
    --background-color: #f2f2f6
    .sri-url .sri_url_path_box {
    .sri-url .path {
        display: none;
    .domain-favicon {
      display: none;
    .m-h .m-h-i {
        height: 65px;
    .crisp-edges {
        image-rendering: optimizespeed;
        image-rendering: crisp_edges;
    .sri-desc {
        font-size: .88rem;
        line-height: 1.4;

    .rewrite_icon {
        margin-left: 0px;
    .m-image-domain {
        display: none;
    .m-image-res {
        display: none;
    .btn.--secondary-s, .ranked-item-tab-links a.--secondary-s {
        display: none;
    .m-image-preview-buttons a i {
        display: none;
    .m-image-preview-data-box span:first-child {
        display: none;
    ._0_img-results .item img.fade {
        opacity: 0;
        transition: none;
    .quick-search-btn {
        transition: transform .4s ease-in-out;
    .d-info-box-title-header {
        height: 164px;
    .videoResultItem .videoResultRight .videoResultDesc {
        display: none;
    .instant-answer .ia-body .ia-title>div {
        display: none;
    }, .inline-content+.sri-group {
        border-top: 0px solid #a0c5ff
    .instant-answer {
        padding-bottom: 13px;
        padding-top: 13px;
        border-top: 1px solid #a0c5ff;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #a0c5ff;
Slimmed Down ThemeSlimmed Down Theme
Slimmed Down ThemeSlimmed Down Theme
Slimmed Down ThemeSlimmed Down Theme

You can collaborate on themes in the #appearance channel on the Kagi Discord server or the community-managed subreddit.


Apply the following custom CSS in your Appearance settings.

Remove Underlined Links

Remove the underline from links from Kagi search results page.

/* Remove bottom border from links */
.__sri_title_link._0_sri_title_link._0_URL {
  border-bottom: none;

/* Remove underline with nested links */
.__srgi-title a {
border-bottom: none; var(--result-item-title-border);

/* Remove underline with News module */
.newsResultItem .newsResultHeader .newsResultTitle a._0_TITLE {
  border-bottom: none; var(--result-item-title-border);

/* Remove underline from links in Wikipedia module */
.wikipediaResult a {
  border-bottom: none; var(--result-item-title-border);
Hide Quick Search button

Hide the floating Quick Search button from Kagi search results page.

.quick-search-btn {
  display: none;


If you want to learn more about how to customize your Kagi Search CSS, below is a video tutorial. The video features a slightly older design of Kagi Search, but the CSS principles are the same.

Also, here are some web resources about how to use CSS in general: