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Search Sources

You can think of Kagi as a "search client," working like an email client that connects to various indexes and sources, including ours, to find relevant results and package them into a superior, secure, and privacy-respecting search experience, all happening automatically and in a split-second for you.


Our data includes anonymized API calls to traditional search indexes like Google, Yandex, Mojeek and Brave, specialized search engines like Marginalia, and sources of vertical information like Wolfram Alpha, Apple, Wikipedia, Open Meteo, Yelp, TripAdvisor and other APIs. Typically every search query on Kagi will call a number of different sources at the same time, all with the purpose of bringing the best possible search results to the user.

For example, when you search for images in Kagi, we use 7 different sources of information (including non-typical sources such as Flickr and Wikipedia Commons), trying to surface the very best image results for your query. The same is also the case for Kagi's Video/News/Podcasts results.


But most importantly, we are known for our unique results, coming from our web index (internal name - Teclis) and news index (internal name - TinyGem). Kagi's indexes provide unique results that help you discover non-commercial websites and "small web" discussions surrounding a particular topic. Kagi's Teclis and TinyGem indexes are both available as an API.

We do not stop there and we are always trying new things to surface relevant, high-quality results. For example, we recently launched the Kagi Small Web initiative which platforms content from personal blogs and discussions around the web. Discovering high quality content written without the motive of financial gain, gives Kagi's search results a unique flavor and makes it feel more humane to use.

Niche sources

Finally, a modern search engine is much more than just 'links'. Other sources in Kagi include:

  • Direct Answers (Kagi AI)
  • Answer Summaries (aka. Quick Answer - Using state of the art LLMs)
  • Maps (Apple based map and Kagi Maps - Mapbox/OSM based)
  • Local business listings (Yelp/Tripadvisor)
  • Calculations (Wolfram Alpha)
  • Unit conversions (Wolfram Alpha)
  • Time zone conversions (Wolfram Alpha and others)
  • Sports results
  • Stock information
  • Weather
  • Flights
  • Podcasts

... and much more.

Sources are not everything, incentives matter too

Why do Kagi's search results stand out even though other search engines have access to the same sources? The main reasons are:

Kagi focuses on users, not advertisers: This user-centric approach significantly enhances our ability to highlight high-quality search results. For instance, we effectively mitigate SEO spam by downranking websites reliant on ads or trackers. Since these spam websites predominantly monetize through ads, they become easily detectable.

Our consistent strategy of combating ads in all forms prioritizes high-quality web results.

On top of that, product features such as promoting and blocking domains and search lenses enable users to tailor their search results.

The most promoted and blocked domains among Kagi users can be seen here.

Superior default algorithmic results: Many users find Kagi's default search results to be unparalleled in quality. This stems from our unrelenting pursuit of the finest results, from all available sources, regardless of the cost. We call upon multiple, diverse, information sources for each search. We know that our members care about always getting the best search results possible, and they are ready to pay for that.

If you can not find something on Kagi, you likely can not find it anywhere.

Unique results from our own indexes (Teclis and TinyGem): Our in-house indexes help us uncover high-quality content from blogs and "small web" discussions, typically without ads and tracking. This specific approach lends Kagi results a more human, relatable flavor, distinguishing us from other search engines.

We are also offering these results as an API.